July 22, 2009

Time after time

Rich's grandfather's clock has come to live with us. Its tall, handsome presence ticks out the minutes and notes the quarter, half and hour with precision and a melodic chime. Day in and day out. Steadfastly it reminds us of each minute passing. It is keeping track for us, as it did for grandfather in Toronto, and later mother in her various abodes. Now it is doing the same for us. Rich smiles when it strikes and says it reminds him of his childhood. I smile too because it reminds me of the mantle clock my parents had.

The clock, or Big Ben as I have come to call it, has got me thinking about time. The time of our lives. Make the most of the time. A Wrinkle in Time. To every season there is a time. ASAP - I want it now, no, yesterday, rarely tomorrow. Do we have time? How much time is left? Let's get there on time. Sometime.

How many times have you heard, "don't waste your time." I've been taught to use my time wisely although I can't say I always do. We rarely know how much time we have left, do we?

I'm trying to make the most of the time away from work I have this summer. I'm trying not to worry about tomorrow or next week. I'm trying to fill each minute Big Ben ticks off with a sense of accomplishment. Even when I'm relaxing I'm trying to relax well. To expand the moments so they're filled right up. Not always with activity but with the kind of inactivity that gives me time to think. A time to think and a time to refrain from thinking. Now that's a gift.