June 04, 2009

Exploring new territory

Last time I spoke about wanting to make a difference. I haven't changed my mind on that. Some of the best work I have done has been working with groups who are stuck on something, an issue or a problem and encouraging them to create a safe place for themselves in order to really "lean in" and be honest with each other. When I can help facilitate that movement, then I feel I've made a difference.

Now it's time for me to lean in and honestly explore this new territory of finding just the right fit. Like many people, I want to help. I am a good listener and ask good questions. I don't like to toot my own horn, yet I encourage others to go for it!

Right now I am meeting with a small group of women who meet for an hour bi-weekly in order to develop some accountability for their own progress over each 2-week period. Each of the women is "going for it". They have found their passion, in some cases have left other jobs, in order to do what they love. Meeting regularly provides a place to share the ups and downs of that pursuit. Give yourself a place where you can be supported in your journey. Let me know if this works for you.


  1. Hi Tante Elsje! Finding where you can be supported in my journey has been a very important thing for me over the last 10 years. It's taken such very different forms depending on where we've been. It's very a very interesting thing to think about how God has been faithful to me in each location and to think about how I can intentionally find that supportive place at our new location.

  2. I can't wait to read about your journey, Tante Elsje! Much love...Vanessa

  3. Thanks for your support and encouragement! It means a lot. I too am looking forward to the journey and I must admit with a touch of anxiety. In the long run, I know that the Spirit will lead me in the right direction. I need to listen :) and be open to being led.
